There is a wealth of information about the Transition Movement on the Transition Network website
Transition is a movement of communities coming together to reimagine and
rebuild our world. The Transition Network website explains more about
what it is, why people do it, how the movement started and gives you a sense
of the underpinning principles and approach.
Transition is a movement that has been growing since 2005. Community-led
Transition groups are working for a low-carbon, socially just future with
resilient communities, more active participation in society, and a caring culture
focused on supporting each other.
In practice, they are using participatory methods to imagine the changes we
need, setting up renewable energy projects, re-localising food systems, and
creating community and green spaces. They are nurturing the Inner Transition
of the cultural and mindset changes that support social and environmental
change. They are sparking entrepreneurship, working with municipalities,
building community connection and care, repairing and re-skilling.
The community level has huge potential to influence change and is a
crucial part of developing and guiding social and economic systems toward
sustainability, social justice and equity. There is an increasing recognition that
top-down approaches are not sufficient alone to effect change and need to be
combined with community-level responses.
Transition’s approach has now spread to over 48 countries, in thousands of
groups: in towns, villages, cities, universities and schools. Around the world, there
are 23 Transition Hubs that support and connect Transition groups in their
country/region and connect internationally. One of the key ways Transition
spreads is through telling inspiring stories, and that’s what the Transition Network aims to do on
its website.
What does it mean to be part of the Transition Network?
Transition is looking at everything from reducing our carbon
footprint; local energy production (via renewables such as solar or wind);
building low-energy housing; growing more food locally; local markets to
support local products and producers; reducing waste by creating innovative
and inspiring ways to re-cycle, re-use and re-make…. As more people join in, as
we share our skills and friendship we find more possibilities for change…… and
we find that we enjoy the changes, the companionship and the challenge of
doing this differently.
Our transition from dependency on fossil fuels then becomes not about what
we give up, but about what we gain.
Find out more about Transition
The Transition Network Website is hugely informative and filled with usable
resources, inspiring stories and a positive vision of the future. Their monthly
newsletter is a joy to receive.
Click here for more about the national and international Transition Network
Working with local authorities and other communities to meet Derbyshire’s carbon reduction targets.