- Minutes of Co-ordinating Group meeting 14th June
- Better by Bus meeting notes
- Action Group News
- Dates for Diaries
Minutes of Co-ordinating Group meeting 14th June
Better by Bus meeting notes.
Previously circulated to many but here’s a reminder.
Action Group News
Activist Group
Some of us went to the anti-fracking demonstration on Tuesday 19thJune held to mark the start of the planning inquiry for an exploratory well for shale gas in Marsh Lane, near Eckington. Not only do we not want any more fossil fuels to be exploited [for the sake of the climate; there are now many scientific studies that conclude that fracked shale gas is contributing to climate change ] but also we deplore the over-riding of the wishes and decisions of the local people. Ineos referred this planning application to the planning inspectorate because they decided the county council were taking too long to give a decision. [The county council voted against the application but their decision will, I suspect, carry little weight].
The government, however, is still intent on forcing shale gas and fracking on English citizens, will probably take these decisions out of local control altogether and is considering make exploratory wells a permitted development so that no planning application is required!
If this concerns you and you want to find out more, contact Hilary, e-mail;
Chesterfield Transition is running a campaign to get Derbyshire County Council to divest their pension fund from fossil fuels. Because it is now accepted that fossil fuels contribute to climate change, their use must decline and therefore they represent a poor investment.
Please write to your county councillor [for most that will be, especially if you receive, or will receive in the future, a DCC pension. Derby City Council have already voted to divest their pension fund from fossil fuels.
Waste and Recycling Group
The group organised another successful Give or Take event in April, where many useful items found new homes, many were taken to charity shops to raise money for worthy causes and most of those items which were unsuitable for reuse were recycled.
Members of this group and the Activists ran a stall at the Earth Day event held by the Eco Centre, Stone Centre and Mount Cook Adventure Centre, also in April [22nd]. We obtained a display about waste and recycling from the county council and produced tips for reducing plastic use as well as publicising Grassroots Wirksworth. Several interesting conversations took place though footfall was disappointingly low. Maybe next year….
The Grassroots Wirksworth walking float for the carnival at the end of May was organised by members of this group and our colourful caterpillar was paraded though he town with the help of Transition members. Thanks to those who took part.
Derbyshire Dales Food waste recycling consultation
Derbyshire Dales District Council provides a weekly collection of food waste through the kerbside food caddy. But 35% of the content of the grey household waste bins which are sent to landfill, is recyclable food waste. They would like to know what would encourage you to recycle more food waste.
Please answer a few questions on this subject in their online survey and be as honest as possible; all responses are anonymous. The survey will end on 3rd July.
Reducing plastic use
The Waste and Recycling Group intends to run a campaign to reduce the use of plastic in Wirksworth. If you are interested in helping with this campaign, please e-mail Hilary;
Cromford WI has produced a Cromford Cuts Plastic flier in which they mention Grassroots Wirksworth. Thank you for this, Janet Chambers.
Grassroots Wirksworth Community Land Trust
Success for Wirksworth eco housing group!

WTCLT steering group: from L to R: Dave Brown, Brian Hebron, Noel Mayes, Peter Walton, Mary Ann Hooper, Kevin Mann, Derbyshire Dales District Councillor Mike Ratcliffe, Ivan Dixon.
The Charities Commission has granted charity status to a local community led housing organisation, the Grassroots Wirksworth Community Land Trust (WTCLT). It was started by the Grassroots Wirksworth Energy Group to provide energy efficient low cost rentedhousing for residents of Wirksworth and Middleton.
In July 2016 a public meeting was held to gauge community support. The group heard concerns about local young people being out– priced and unable to continue to live in the same town as their families. As a result a steering group was formed to set up the Community Land Trust as a charity.
Dave Brown, chair of the steering group, said: “We are really excited to have achieved charitable status – now the work can begin to identify land sites. Not only will the homes be genuinely affordable to rent but will have very low running costs because we are going to build to Passivhaus Standards which require verylittle heating. We are already in discussion with other CLTs, architects & specialist contractors. This is also an opportunity to do something which can inspire other communities.”
The next step will be to hold a public meeting in the near future to explain the project and to recruit members (only £1 one-off fee) who will elect a Board of Trustees, enabling the project to remain accountable to the local community.
For more information visit or find us on Facebook or Twitter for the latest news. Registered Charity Number 1178158
Contact: Dave Brown 01629 826788
Other News
Sarah Hinds has contacted us at TW as she recently tried to buy Hag Wood near Whatstandwell. She says: “We didn’t get the wood as we were outbid, despite gathering quite a good amount between us. There was quite a lot of interest so I am forming a wood buying group of people interested in forming something along the lines of a co-operative to be ready to buy/bid if another one comes up. If people are interested they can email me and I’ll let them know when the first meeting is.” Email Sarah:
Dates for Diaries
Saturday, July 21st: visit to Whistlewood Common, near Melbourne in South Derbyshire.
We will leaving Wirksworth Market place at 9.30am and arrive back by 5pm. Car shares available. We will have a tour around the 10 acre site and see their straw bale round house (under construction), permaculture planting and wildlife areas. We’ll each take contributions for a shared picnic lunch. There are hot refreshments, shelter and a compost loo! Please take cold drinks / water as Whistlewood is off grid.
We’ll have the chance to join in their volunteer activities for the day: tree mulching, pruning, planting the living roof for the shelter and roundhouse – it all depends what our physical abilities are, everyone will be able to take part in some way.
To find out more information about Whistlewood, see their website
To come on the visit please contact Cathy Cooke at (07811 610624)
We will need your name and the number of people coming with you, and whether you would like a lift or can offer spaces in your vehicle (if so, how many?). Please also give your phone number for contact on the day and any particular mobility / health matters we should make Whistlewood aware of.
There is no charge for this visit but donations are welcome!
Stoney Wood events:
Saturday June 30th: Little Green Men – a play suitable for all ages. 7.30-8.30 Free event at the Stardust. Bring a picnic and something to sit on.
Saturday July 14th: Wam Bam Band. From 6pm. Ticketed event. See local publicity.
Sometime in August: Nature Walk with John Attiwell. Free event.
Friday August 31st: Bat Walk. Free event.
Friday September 7th: Showing of Bladerunner 6pm onwards. Ticketed event.
Saturday September 8th: Stardisco. 6pm onwards. Free event.
- End of June 2018 Newsletter.
- Next newsletter will be early September 2018.
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Mary Ann Hooper
Thanks for the newsy newsletter. Very useful. I just enjoyed filling in the DDDC survey on food waste because I hardly ever have any and it made me feel virtuous!
Thanks Mary Ann. Keep polishing that halo!
fiona Geddes
we look forward to meeting you at Whistlewood.