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  • Minutes of First Steering Group meeting 16th March
  • Action Group News
  • Dates for Diaries

First Steering Group meeting 16th March 2018 – summary


The newly proposed steering group met on 16th March 2018 and agreed that its primary role was as a co-ordinating group with a named representative from each active group (or a deputy) plus the Treasurer as fixed members plus representatives of those organising public meetings.  It should also be open to other Grassroots Wirksworth members who wished to attend.   It will be renamed the Co-ordinating Group (CG).  The named representatives will find a deputy if he or she cannot attend.  Its roles will be to:

  1. Ensure that what each group is planning to do is shared with other groups;
  2. Identify gaps and opportunities that groups haven’t yet identified to promote the transition initiative;
  3. Agree a calendar of events some of which will be organised by individual groups and others will be organised by the Communications Group;
  4. Organise the annual gathering;
  5. Network with other groups within the town and with other local or national transition groups.

The meeting also agreed some dates for future meetings/events and the role of the Communications Group.  The full minutes of the meeting: Draft Minutes of the First Co (1)

Action Group News


Waste and Recycling Group

The March Give or Take was postponed due to bad weather and will now take place on Saturday 7th April.  Flier

You can donate any item of good quality and in working condition, apart from CRT TV’s and monitors, between 8.30am and 11am.

You can come just to take items for free, you do not have to give in order to take. Open from 9am to 12.30pm.

We ensure that as many unclaimed items as possible will be taken to charity shops, donated to Derby refugee centre or recycled. Typically, only a bagful goes into non-recyclable waste.

Any monetary donations will support the work of Grassroots Wirksworth in promoting sustainability.

Activist Group

We have been heartened by the recent refusals of planning permission for test wells for shale gas in Woodsetts and Harthill, both near Rotherham and and by the lack of government approval for fracking at Kirby Misperton, where Third Energy is removing some of their equipment and now has no plans to frack this summer.

A coalition of environmental organisations, community groups and academics has written to the Prime Minister in support of the National Trust in its legal fight against INEOS, who are seeking a court order to force the National Trust to allow seismic tests in Clumber Park. The letter questions the need for fracking in this country and disputes that this technique is environmentally sound in relation to climate change. Some of the Activists have felt moved to add their own letters to the PM.  Read the coalition letter here: Coalition letter

However, the government are also trying to force minerals planning authorities to approve planning applications for shale gas by sneaking in changes in the National Planning Policy Framework, now out for consultation. This is mainly about housing but, tucked away on page 56, paragraph 204, they direct that ” Minerals planning authorities should: a) recognise the benefits of on-shore oil and gas development, including unconventional hydrocarbons, for the security of energy supplies and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy; and put in place policies to facilitate their exploration and extraction;

  1. b) when planning for on-shore oil and gas development, clearly distinguish between, and plan positively for, the three phases of development (exploration, appraisal and production) ”  If you disagree, send your comments to the government before May 10th. See here.

We continue sharing e-petitions, many concerning the reduction in use of disposable plastic items.

To join us, contact


Wirksworth: better by bus An evening exploring the future of transport in the Wirksworth area and surrounds. Wednesday 9th May 2018 at 7.30pm at Wellspring Church Wood Street DE4 4DS. What would encourage you to use the bus more? Do people in Wirksworth want bus services? How do we support Community Transport? Speakers: Vicky Williams, Commercial Manager, Trent Barton Buses & Chris Hegarty, Senior Project Officer, Public Transport Unit, Derbyshire County Council.

Please make this event known and come along. Flier here: Better by Bus flier Topics include what type of bus Trent could be running in future and whether Derbyshire Connect is a better way of serving the villages and linking with Wirksworth and much more.

See the recent Report on the Derbyshire Bus Partnership here   We seem to be more fortunate than most. See February press article  ‘Britain’s bus coverage hits 28-year low’

Other News

  • The Government has issued a consultation document on proposed legislation for a national planning framework that states a presumption for sustainable development but which is very loose. See here and the full policy.
  • See the Transition Network site for latest national and internal news and views.

Dates for Diaries

7th April: Give or Take.10 – 12 at Wellspring Church. See Flier.

22nd April: Earth Day. Transition will be manning a stall at Mount Cook, where many activities are taking place in conjunction with the Stone Centre and the Eco Centre. Our topic will be reducing plastic use. Will anybody who can help, either to prepare the display or to man the stall, please contact

9th May: Wirksworth: better by bus at 7.30pm Wellspring Church (See above under Transport)

12th May: Rotary charity plant sale. Transition Growers are growing lots of herbs and vegetable plants to complement Rotary’s flowering plants so come and buy, grow your own food and support local causes at the same time.

28th May: Carnival with Grassroots Wirksworth presence.

1st – 3rd June: Belper Goes Green is Transition Belper’s ECO Festival that aims to share simpler, low carbon and environmentally friendly ways of doing things in a relaxed and uplifting way that puts a smile on the face of Belper. They will have 2 solar-powered stages of, mostly, acoustic entertainment, a CAMRA Beer Festival with 40 real ales and ciders, hot and cold food including plenty of delicious veggie/vegan options, toys and activities to keep the little ones happy, crafts and community art projects to get stuck in to, a wellbeing area to relax and find peace, energy and low carbon travel advice, craft and recycling stalls galore, a whole range of community groups, charities and campaigns plus a whole lot more! Further info can be found here.

21st July: Visit to Whistlewood Common. More details and sign up in next newsletter.

  • End of Mar 18 Newsletter.
  • Next newsletter will be mid June 2018.
  • Click here for website Home Page.
  • If you no longer wish to receive emails from Grassroots Wirksworth, please put Unsubscribe in the heading of an email to

4 Responses to “TW Newsletter March 2018”

  1. Hilary Hebron

    Derbyshire is currently consulting on its Minerals Planning Policy which will include shale gas. The nearest consultation day is at Whitworth Centre, Darley Dale on Thursday 3rd May, between 11.30am and 6.30pm

  2. Shirley Mann

    Can TT do anything about single use plastic in town? Ken’s and Dip’s do have loose veg but the co-op doesn’t.

  3. Roger and Judith Green

    Thank you. It’s good

    Wondered about date of Carnival. 29 May?

    • Michele Simms

      Well spotted! I took this from the minutes. You are right – it doesn’t make sense. Should be Monday 28th. I will amend it. Thanks!


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