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  • First Open Meeting of 2018 – Friday 19th January – Eco Centre – 6pm social and 7.30pm business meeting.
  • A quiz on Shopping Locally in Wirksworth.
  • A selection of Good News from 2017.
  • Dates for diaries.

Friday Jan 19th: Open Meeting at the Eco Centre, Porter Lane, DE4 4LS

The meeting is in two halves – do come for one or both. At about 6pm, join us for a pleasant social over a light meal. Bring some finger foods and drink if you can, but if you can’t, do still come and we’ll share with you! (Finger foods because the Eco Centre doesn’t have much crockery and cutlery.)

Our business meeting starts at 7.30. Bob Ledbury will be chairing, with minutes taken by Brian Hebron.

[Buses: 6.1 leaves the marketplace at 5.55pm. Get off at the top of Steeple Grange and walk up Porter Lane to the Eco Centre. A later 6.1 leaves at 6.40pm. Get off at the beginning of Middleton Village and walk down Porter Lane to the Eco Centre. For return, last  6.1 of evening leaves Cromford at 9.43pm to Wirksworth via Steeple Grange.]

We will be reviewing the changes we made a year ago, in which we disbanded the core group, began holding an Open Meeting bi-monthly and set up an Events sub group (a former task of the core group) for organising public meetings. Some things have worked well, but some things haven’t, so we need as many people as possible to talk about how best to strengthen our set-up.

The final agenda will be available at the meeting. If you have any items you would like added, please email Bob Ledbury on

Minutes of the last Open Meeting on 15 September: Open meeting 15 Sept

Quiz on Wirksworth Shopping Locally

Use the Leave a Reply at the bottom of the newsletter for your answers.

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  • Twin town Die’s upcoming conference on everyday sustainability (Die Ecologie au Quotidian) 
  • Highlights of the recent Annual Gathering (& link to minutes)
  • Derbyshire Divestment Campaign
  • Dates for diaries (including our Social on December 14th)

Join us for the Die Ecologie au Quotidian (Die’s annual sustainability conference)

So far, three Wirksworth residents – John Horak, Alastair Clark and Rob Tresidder – have agreed to go to the upcoming annual eco festival in Die, which Alastair told us about briefly at the Annual Gathering in November. Read more »

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This issue includes the Annual Gathering on 15 November, the Parish Rooms funding application, Haarlem Artspace talks, our Energy & Housing Group and the next bi-monthly Open Meeting in January.

Grassroots Wirksworth Annual Gathering

Come to our Annual Gathering on 15 November at 7pm in Wirksworth Memorial Hall. Bring finger foods to share! Read more »

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This newsletter includes items on the Re-wilding talk, activism against fracking, recycling in Wirksworth, a Transition Network survey, the Transition Regional Network project, setting up a Renewables company in North Derbyshire, and APPLES!

Wolves in Wirksworth?

You may already have seen Moira Knowles’ visionary poster around town, but just to remind you – please come along on Wed. 18th October 7pm to Memorial Hall to find out more about local attempts to preserve and protect other species in our local landscape…and to contribute you own ideas!

We also need;

Meeters and greeters to be there about 6.30 pm; one or two people to bring apple cake and serve cake and soft drinks – elderflower cordial etc – at the break.Please contact Rosemary on or on 07904 783818 if you can help. See you there!

Frack Off!

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You are invited to the Quakers’ Green Day on Saturday 7 October from 10.30 am to 4.30 pm at the Friends Meeting House, Chapel Lane, Bakewell.

See how local Quakers take positive action for the planet

Bakewell’s contribution to Quaker Outreach Week –
a national event.

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Open Meeting coming up

The next bi-monthly Open Meeting will be on Friday 15 September at the Eco Centre on Porter Lane. It will be from 6pm to 7.30, and we will welcome Robin Stokes, from Traidlinks, who is coming for an hour to talk about the traders’ campaign on Shop Locally in Wirksworth, and to discuss how Transition might help, since it is a key aim of the Transition movement.

We will go on to have a business meeting until 7.30   PLEASE SEND ITEMS FOR THE AGENDA to Mary Ann, facilitator, on

After the business meeting, we will have our Bring and Share Social with finger foods/ drink that people bring, and a chance to network. (Although apparently there is a Festival event that some might want to go to). We have to be out of the Eco Centre by 9pm. Please come by bus if you can. Read more »

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This consultation is relevant to Grassroots Wirksworth because the plan being proposed will make it necessary for everyone to travel further for many health services – whereas Transitioners point out that it’s important for services to be as local as possible. It’s also important for all of us in Wirksworth.
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Exploring ways to feel empowered

in a changing world

We are all deeply concerned at the backward steps our government has been taking on the environment and fracking, and many of us are also reeling from the election of Donald Trump as president of the USA. What he stands for threatens our efforts to make the world fossil-free, sustainable and safe from runaway climate change, but we draw hope from the world-wide solidarity of last weekend’s demonstrations which showed that if the new president tries to turn the clocks back, Read more »